
I Have a Friend

I have not been celebrating Valentines since forever
U can say whatever...
Got attached doesnt mean the whole world

People changes...why wouldn't LOVE ?
its too abstract to be caught in objects...not even diamond rings
Making a big deal out of love... should you?

we are living in Malaysia
I am not stressing the patheticness..but...
Valentines...is still for the rich and NORMAL..

How you define normal?

How you define abnormal?

seriously...I am very PROUD of this friend
he's a HE
and he's in love with another HE
which is a total jackass...

I dont get it...
Why, still HE fall for HIM...?
For more than 2 years...willingly & silently...
its not like he is hotter than Brad Pitt or Pattinson
and he's absolutely not the Best Student Award winner

You deserve better...
If its destined to be yours...it will be

but..wish U all the best in tonight's confession

and for those getting together... or about to...
paying extra ex dinner and chocolates

Happy Lovey Dovey Valentines