
Worried : dedicated to Meg

To be frank. I'm Worried

I am worried that you met someone new.
I am worried that you met someone I don't know.
I am worried that you met someone that might hurt you.
I am worried that you met someone who doesn't deserve your attention.
I am worried that you met someone that makes relationship casual and disposable.

It worries me because I dont know how to teach you.
It worries me because I dont know how he'll influence you.
It worries me because I dont know how it will affect mom n dad.
It worries me because I dont know what is your perception of a relationship.
It worries me because I dont know whether you know that Im worried.

I feel like asking you every single details of your life. Sometimes, I cant bear it when you treat us like dirt, or disposable toilet roll... We love you. We have always wanted what's best for you. But, When you turn your back on us and we felt that friends are more important than your family, it worries me even more. For me, family plays a big part of a person's life. They are who you are. When everything fails, thats the only place you can lie down in peace and sleep like a baby.

Call me a tyrant. I have always wanted what's best for you.
You are what that's left for me.

Overprotective, It's my job to keep you safe.
I wouldn't want anyone or anything to hurt you.
I will support you, on every single decisions you make, as long as I'm convinced that you will be safe.
You are too precious, too valuable, too dear to be given to a person, that I dont even know who, what, how he is.

Just promise me that you'll tell when shit happens.
Keep yourself safe from anything and everything.
I Love You and I Always Do.
Wish you all the best with your new dude.

P.S : Don't break my heart.