
HIDE-out your weekends

want to draw longer post
but...didnt have much nice pics..and barely TIME
guess wad...im in college now, waiting for Noorseah's class

here's a nice hangout spot, since i dont do clubbing

-H.I.D.E -
Taman Menjalara, Kepong
05 July 08... freakishly long time ago
not far from my house, but not near too
my hangout 'kaki' - Alice, Choon Wai, Tina, Ying, Yoyo, Fish

seatings over open air space, beware of mosquitoes~

it was a friday, and freakishly crowded
the spot was perfect for a bitch talk, which makes no difference
sadly, we invited the wrong bitches around too, end up talking kids stuff...
arghhh~...multiple mood spoilers

p.s. there were mood spoilers and didnt feel good that day over there
and im so fed up with all the annoyance...argh~
some clever ass put Rihanna n Jayz over this freakishly romantic spot