
haunted morning. glam-awesome night.

yeah..remember how my morning was haunted by the movies lost???
hope that the rest still works... arghhhhhh >


luckily, my adam lambert acoustic live CD 'arrived' safely. :-')
drowning in the hypnotic acoustic version of his.
especially 'Whataya Want From Me.'

a good start of the coming weekend?? =)
happy thursday peeps!!!!

p.s. I'll be humming Mad World & Soaked
in a distorted rhythm, probably for the next couple of years... ahahhahaha

wad went wrong with my stoopid DVD-rom??!!!!!

i officially lost all my moviesssss >

schindler's list
astraunaut's wife
transformers [not that im a biggg fan]
benjamin button
slumdog millionaire

AAAHHHH HOWWWW???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



the thing that i've been trying to ignore.
now..im officially a brat


GLAM NATION TOUR live in Malaysia 2010 ROCKS!!!!

this is the first concert that I have ever been..
not even a celebrity sighting or what...

and.. it's ADAM LAMBERT!!!

fill you all with more details soon.

all I can say is, I've totally lost myself in the concert.
so, thank you.

quote from the late King of Pop,
please come to Malaysia again.



Adam Lambert Glam Nation Tour Live in Malaysia 2010



and, I've scored 2 tickets from red.fm to the Bukit Jalil GLAM Nation Tour
Live in Malaysia Concert 2010.
and its TONIGHHTTTTTT!!!!!!!!

reasonable thinking...
I ought to bring my BFF, since she has got her tix since even before i started this AL craze...
and my dried up purse is a constant obstacle.
so... im bringing my sis.
even ms.bossy is complaining how i've been spoiling this ungrateful kid.

dont let the nutcrack ruin my night

here...is a letter for Adam Lambert...

Dear Adam,
This could be the only time that I will see you as a real live person
instead of music frequencies or 3D image in American Idol.
Even these tickets I have, is like...100 yards away from the stage.
Still, you have the best-est voice and style which
a combination I will never ever imagine anyone in it
[exceptional case for Lady Gaga].

Throw your best on stage and break a leg!!!
All the best and I will see you tonight!

PLEASEEEEE flash more of this look... so that my passes worths even more!

Tess from Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. ^^


21st post

not literally the 21st post
frankly, i dont really like the fact that im already 21.

and, somehow i realised that i'm bad with comments.
and bad with people skills too.
sorry if i have offended anyone of you in any manner
under any circumstances

whenever i feel offended or something - i just want to runaway and hide.
and whenever i have offended anyone
i've asked quite a bunch of opinions from friends - dudes and babes.

go get a life.
i dream big - and now im stuck in reality to make my dream come true.
with all these problems and stuff, i was told that im jealous of my sister.
its true in the sense that, i wasn't given the talent to go wild
go wreckless and irresponsible.

the sad thing is, i find it kinda offensive.
my life, who are you to define MY life?

so... being caring is annoying?
being overprotective is shameful?
being worried is embarrassing?

what do i get in return?
bad name and a joke.

and tied by the kiasu spirit - i've being judgemental for my entire life.
now i know why people say breaking free is not easy.
i dont want to end up like normal people - i have bigger dreams.
and i do mean BIG dreams.
when i look into my future plans and dreams; it seems so far.
yet, im already 21 - soon, i'll turn 30, 40, 50.
its not really that far you know? i began to worry.

and right now? i don't even have the courage to make the decision
to take the step to tell my dad i want to buy a new phone.
nope.. its not about the phone.
its about all other future decisions i would have to make.
im too timid to make mistakes - which is really undesirable.

for the birthday wishes - i have realised that i've been making wishes not for myself.
for mom dad grandma sis bro and everybody else.
and i realised this not so long ago after i blew the candle off @ TGIF Gardens.

please give me the courage to be cruel and selfish.
so that i will worry less and get my life
as you are not worthy of my birthday wish.

thank you, for giving me all these wishes.
and i've spent it not-so-wisely for the past 21 years.
love you all.

from tess to
dad mom grandma aunt sis bro
alice sara chenguan levon
michelle jasmyn janet victor fanson joe ezu



where affection has turned into insult.
how jolly.


i had to.

Sorry if this doesn't work for peeps who doesn't read chinese.
Plain my fault.

如果不是很嚴重的事情﹐ 會用比較輕鬆的方法表達。
本來以為今晚會開開心心﹐很早睡。 皮膚變差了。。可沒人看。沒分別。
今天的心情﹐ 怪怪的。 混雜很多很多個語言。。。

一直以為﹐ 我不是一個逃兵。。。
一直以為﹐ 我很理智。。。
一直以為﹐ 我有天賦。。。
一直以為﹐ 我很盡責。。。

此時此刻﹐我想的東西。。。 與我無關
此時此刻﹐我想的東西。。。 無聊非常
此時此刻﹐我想的東西。。。 讓我傷感
此時此刻﹐我想的東西。。。 悲鬱催淚

是我的吗 ?



因为,看到的 - 只有我自己
因为,担心的 - 只有我自己
因为,害怕的 - 只有我自己
因为,着急的 - 只有我自己

我一定是吃饱太闲 - 浪费时间,担心你被骗
我一定是吃饱太闲 - 浪费时间,担心你误下决定
我一定是吃饱太闲 - 浪费时间,担心你学业不达标

是无价, 天骄, 独尊,唯一。

是不是应该当个逃兵, 才能止我眼泪?
是不是应该灭去理智, 才能去我悲郁?
是不是应该假装文艺, 才能发掘天赋?
是不是应该撇去盡責, 才能安心入眠?
是不是应该强挤微笑, 才能忘却悔意?

对我而言, 并不具任何杀伤

我忘了。 忘了你是忘本的。


stay tuned for Dorian Gray

Not sure whether any of you have realised. When we are supposed to do researches on matters relevant to a topic, for instance; we google, wikipedia, yahoo and etc. Some will even subscribe in pages like dezeen, archdaily for more specific topics in art and design related matters. personally, I like deviantart, for the extensive collection of artworks and creativity. Well, Derailment, is what i would like to discuss today.

everytime after i watch a movie, or listened a song.. I'll go n wikipedia or google the thing that bugs me.. most of the time are actors or actresses who i don't recognise. Oooh, and also movies that Im dying to watch. My sister say that Im a psycho stalker, but thats not the point.

this time.. I was googling about Ghost.. I intended to read movie reviews and etc, instead.. the search literally came out ghostly. I end up reading stuffs about ghost... then The Bible, Doppelganger, Vampires, List of Haunted Houses etc. Fyi, Im a very 'kiasi' person.. but all this just wont stop until I came across this article about Dorian Gray.

Written by Oscar Wilde, which I think he is a little psychotic - the story is kinda interesting though. People have always wanted eternal youth and beauty. At least I want it. Its made into a movie now. People, anticipate it ^^

here's the link to wikipedia ^^



a post, dedicated to... whoever who reads.
these are sort of like... spontaneous rules that i hate in people
especially guys. no offense, but my humble existence is not for your exploitation.

we r going to start with rule #01

a person who is habitually or frequently drunk.

when people are drunk, especially alcoholics - they tend to have their mind skewed. this is a good thing, for poets and suicidal painters. when they cant think properly... they cant drive, they cant think straight, they cant walk, they cant digest conversations, and they tend to make fool of themselves and the person standing right next to them. sarcasm and idiosyncrasies are the side dish...right after a whole bloody pack of mid-way digested steak and soaked potatoes. unless the person that you have to tolerate is van gogh or mozart... never ever.

p.s: and after the cleaning-up-vomit and insomniac nightmare, he or she would deny every single shit when u confront them.

a week of melancholy

it's supposed to be happy
with all the comments, and reviews, appreciations, chilling out, birthdays, workloads.

there's not a moment that i do not miss you. when you were sitting next to me watching that stupid movie that you have always liked. when you were pouring soda when i turn on my favourite show. when i sit next to you watching how u solve the game that i will never now learn how to. when you called to buy me chocolates after your basketball practice. when you ask me how to solve algebra and i failed to explain it to you. when you bring back mini surprises for me after your tuition classes. when you crack lame jokes and made us laughed. when you bring back injured baby animals and ask me how to fix them.

wishing you were somehow here again. so that i can keep all my promises to you - that i can never now. you should have warned us, so that we can fix it. you should have warned us, so that we would have known and be able to help you with all your wishes. you should have warned us, so that i could have kept my promises. you should have warned us, so that i can fit you in the nicest clothes. you should have warned us, so that we could have eaten more sushi together. you should have warned us, so that i can spoil you rotten. you should have warned us, so i can tell you everyday how much i love you.

last week was awful that, its the second year that we couldn't celebrate your birthday. its sadder when i think of people who wronged you; when i misunderstood your condition as teenage rebellion. it gets even more terrible that, i couldn't recall any birthdays that we have celebrated with you. there will be no chance. not anymore.

im sorry that i did not take initiative to celebrate your birthdays. im sorry that i did not earn money soon enough to fit you into the nicest clothes. im sorry that i did not treat you to a decent meal before. im sorry that i did not buy you the phone that i have promised. im sorry that i did not bring you to starbucks. im sorry that i always push you to work with dad. im sorry that i was born a girl instead. im sorry that i did not notice your condition earlier to fix it; and everything ends there.

if there's an afterlife. i want you to be with me - with us altogether as a family again.
i will always love you.



Random or not? I'd say it's a little bit of both. I have this weird obsession with chopsticks. When I makan, it feels awkward to eat with fork & spoon. I even eat spaghetti with chopsticks. [psst.. only at home] Well, as you know [or don't], chopsticks comes in a pair. Often used as a metaphor for co-operation and group work etc. I think there's a saying, but can't remember.

So, this occur to me when I was chatting with The Boss. Don't take it literally, it's just a nickname. We always have this hang out sessions.. just to chill out somewhere, play some pool game, UNO cards and gossips. It used to be 4, back in highschool. We were like.. chopsticks together. Well, 2 pairs of them. Tuition classes, shopping, bowling, chilling out. It has always been 4 of us together.

When grad, Ms. Boss departed; Ms. Skinny stayed; Ms Shorty lost contact. Dozens of reasons, chilling out have been a seasonal thing. And Ms. Shorty... was dating this guy since highschool. Thats another part of the story i blogged quite some time ago. *here*

Back to the chopstick story... To me, friends are like chopsticks. They are here for one reason - to be there for each other when there's anything. By anything, includes merry, melancholy, messed-ups, and make-ups. [it rhymes, I know] LOL

Back in highschool, girls like to read this japanese fashion magazine, despite the fact that, they couldn't understand even a syllable of it... Which I kinda despise for being unreasonably irrational. I wasn't very much into it, Ms. Boss and Ms Shorty paired up with this bimbo in my class; Ms Skinny was in account. That was the time that all this drama started. I guess people just don't work the way you think they will. I admit, I'm overly possessive and sometimes, manipulative. And when I feel that, the channel doesn't connect... I'll just ditch it.

Furthermore, I have had issues with Ms. Shorty since... Primary? [fyi, we studied in the same primary school but in different class] and, it has deep rooted in highschool year 1. It's a seating problem. I reported to school late because of some address thingy. So, when I enter the classroom, which is with Ms. Shorty. I sat beside her. The next day, she moved to a table across.

I know this sounds like a 4 years old issue.. but I'll probably carry it to my grave. What you treat is what you get. Well.. It wasn't an instant thing, yet accumulated. 'Lama-lama jadi bukit' I know. Call me a calculative bitch.

It has been a constant. When I'm not needed.. I'm invisible; When I'm needed, I'm a friend. Back at that time, I wasn't close with Ms Boss [she was in a different class] , and had a few chit-chatting with Ms. Skinny [same class with me, but different year]. Eventually, I was by myself besides Ms. Pineapple who sat next to me [she came here later the month after me]. Guys.. they sucked to the max that time. Stories later. Its officially the most embarrassing thing that has happened in my entire life.

Soon as Year 1 ended, we were re-assigned to different classes according to our grades. Ironically, Ms. Shorty was assigned to the same class with me. Same thing with Ms. Boss, and Ms. Skinny. Ms. Boss came to me first, say that she wants to sit beside me; just 5 minutes before Ms. Skinny... Last comes Ms. Shorty. I have always been wondering why I said yes back then. After that, we have been BFFs ever since.

I was the reason this whole BFF thing is happening... and Ms. Shorty kinda take it for granted. We have had issues... big and sort-of we-go-seperate-way issues. I have noticed, felt horrible about it... we resolved it some how. Yet, the 'bukit' turned Everest.

I have a major crack head issue with people who I consider friend, take it for granted. After 4 years... she finally called us for a chill out session - because she broke up with that guy that she has been dating since highschool.. and why they broke up? Because the guy cheated on her, after she called for a relationship break.

Call me a bitch... but I think that is non of my business because I wasn't part of the story. Fyi, I didn't know that she was dating that guy, until some random ass from junior batch came and ask me whether they are dating or not. That is how you treat your BFF. Probably I was the only one who were that naive to think that I am her BFF, or was? Anyway, it doesn't really matter now.

And Ms Skinny... she's turning into Ms Shorty in the early stage. Busy all the time and everything the universe rotates around the boyfriend. Valentines, White Christmas, Red Christmas, Anniversary, Weekend hangout, Movie session, Dinner, Meet the parents, Travel to hometown, Buy him breakfast, Birthdays. Out of 365days, couldn't there be a chill out session for the so-called BFFs?

Call me ego and self-centered, but I rather spend my time for something else.. than wasting it on a relationship that I know it will repeatedly fail again.


Okay.. I was lost

Not lost in love, or lost in transition. Nothing to do with anything.. okay?

It has been... 3 or 4 months? You do the math.. hate maths. Since i last posted. New year? or was it Christmas? Anyway... I was lazy, just don't feel like posting anything. Once in a while, random stuffs pops up and had this awkward rush to post something up here. By the time i signed in.. either I forgot what I wanted to post.. or I fell asleep waiting. Yeah... have been using this not-so-brilliant internet service provider for quite some time.

So.. I'll be posting on Why I'm not posting anything recently:-

1. Random stuffs
Sometimes I'm inspired by small little things. Things I ate, things I saw, things I touched, things I sensed among people's relationship [fyi, I'm bad with relationships], things I heard from people [mostly ms. pudu & ms. hartamas] Its more like a chick flick, than a blockbuster. I will notice it.. but probably will forget afterwards. So, either I have this flick thingy on-the-spot, or it will be just a gust of wind.

2. Pictures
I have always liked to see photos, take photos, read photos. Cant actually read it but.. analyse it sounds even nerdy-ier. LOL. Anyway.. after the FRIM incident which I cleverly slipped my DSC-W90 into the stream of cold flowing water.. Photoshop is so needed if I'm ever going to post anything. Either I rather spend my time editing watching another episode of Bones, or again... it will be another gust of wind.

3. Sensitive issues
These are not really random stuffs. Sometimes are things that I got frustrated about.. things I hate about.. .things I would like to comment about [genuinely referred as gossips] are mostly untouchable issues. Who's flirting with who, who had a crush on who... I feel okay if people are commenting about my stuffs.. gossips I call it. either my hair sucks... or my body stinks or my clothing is ugly. I take compliments & despises. [whether i'll be depressed or not its my problem] However, things that I can take.. is not necessary that its okay for other people. So, either I anonymously post it, or don't post it at all... By the way.. I feel that anonymous post are meaningless. an object is just an object if it is not addressed. Another gust of wind

4. Temperamental posts
I'm not bad-tempered, I'm not hyper, I'm not emo, I'm not out-going, I'm not socio-able [most of the time], I'm not introvert [I think], I'm not dreamy, I'm not rational. Everything seems to be out of the way it should be when it comes to me. Please, I'm not stressing that im special.. By the way, I'm not. But, sometimes, little emotional changes that inspires a blogpost, will soon be over. It inspires, but it stops somewhere... mostly before I reach internet access and sign-in for a blogpost. That is probably why I have been posting about movies that I have watched and felt strongly about.

5. Passion
I'm studying ID, which basically means that my life is occupied by it most of the time. I have always hoped that I will be the best of my kind - even though it is depressing to say that I'm not. Passion grows in time. At first, its just a flick in my head before I decided to be involved with the building design industry.Passion is not included in my resume. Yet, it grows in time. This is the state of time where, I'm quite uncertain of my life.

So, next time when I'm posting, or not. It has to relate back. Itsy bitsy part of my life which I'm willingly to share. Nowadays, you'll get sued for expressing in your own blog. I guess, that is the greatest obstacle for bloggers. Whereas, my life isn't that fantastic as I thought it is [the blogroll counter tells...] So, blogpost is going to be vastly reduced.

Fyi, I'm reading the asm brief now. Guess what.. I might be cancelling my account after reading it. Cheer up people! It will be another day tomorrow. Suddenly feels like James Bond. The difference is, I'm going to die and I dont have a Walter PPK.

p.s : This post isn't even entitled for a CNY post. So, happy day onwards. ^^