
Public Enemies made..

For those who know me for years...only a few i guess :P knows that i always have something for the British guys...for the accents and the charisma *faints* especially those who speaks english that i can understand...

After watching Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street; and The Dark Knight, plus the recent summer blockbuster T4: Terminator Salvation that topped M'sia chart for consecutive 2 weeks in a row~ its not surprising to know that Johnny Depp and Christian Bale are really hot guys~

despite the fact that they are married.. or not? no idea...anyway, the idea of this blogpost is not to stalk their personal life, which has nothing to do with me...but the coming up thriller + action + romance + hot guys movie -->

Public Enemies

personally, i think that there must be at least one or two actor, actress or performer's show, that you will go

*woot!! must watch!!!*
*AHHH!!!!!!!!!* and screamed your way to the cinema
*Omigossshhh!!! i wanna watch!!!*
*is it out yet??!...omg, why is it not out yet~!!!*
*ooh ooh ooooohhhh!!! i wan the premier passes!!!*

For no specific reason, despite that he/she is inevitably hot..same thing goes to music too~

Anyway, back to this Public Enemies...I wasn't aware of any coming soon movies despite that T4 is a must watch, and will be heading for Zac Efron's...I saw the movie poster while walking into the cinema...and Johnny Depp's name is on the poster...

Official poster of Public Enemies, sourced from Google Image Search

I didnt realise that it's Johnny Depp until i stopped and read the details...And it surprises me more when I discovered that Christian Bale is involved in the movie too!!! And I went *omigossshhhh* instantly!!

Christian Bale is playing the good guy in the Public Enemies
while Johnny Depp is memang, the public enemy...

It has been...almost 2 weeks, after i saw the poster, I havent watch the trailer yet, and surprisingly...I was too busy to google it...But still,I want to watch it; Not only bcoz of Johnny Depp, but also Christian Bale!! *in deep need of iced water*

i started to know Johnny Depp, was in the Pirates trilogy...ya..the suave Jack Sparrow!!! friends are very into Orlando Bloom, i just cant take my eyes off the cheeky and charismatic Sparrow...and the odd accent coz im pretty sure that he's born American...

Jack Sparrow and Bloom (cant rmb the character's name, sorry :P)

Speaking of which, among all the Tim Burton movies that Depp did, I love Sweeney Todd the most!! He portrayed the demon barber...I dont know, he seems to understand the character perfectly and every inch of the emotions are being re-played as in he is Todd...You can hardly get an actor that impresses you to the max!! For me at least...

As for Christian Bale, I have previously blogged about what i found~ :P Mostly about the T4 actually. Fyi, Im obsessed with the Terminator Series, since childhood...Basically, my dad shares the same interest in watching Action-packed blockbusters. Every year, there will be at least 10 movies that we will watch together...the Terminator, is simply irresistible, when it comes together with The Dark Knight.

The Machinist, an insomnia patient who goes a lil-bit extreme at the end
I wanna watch!!!!!

Guess what, he was/is actively involved with art films...independent sort of la~ special, and different from summer blockbusters...The one who got him famous was *here*...and this movie, The Machinist, I doubt that its screened here because it looked so, artsy...which is a lil beyond-acceptance over here in Malaysia... He is one extremely passionate artist I would say... until he turned himself into this...

Fyi, this is not a Halloween prank...
he did lost weight into this look for the film!!

Also, his another movie, the American Psycho, not quite sure whether i got it correct...had me drooling over my laptop keyboard. The all-rounded, smart looking, extremely hot guy plays a psycho killer...how can you resist that?? Either one of the elements mentioned above is strong enough for reasoning me to watch a movie...but, ALL THREE??!! Its almost the same concept as wenyi was addicted to Twilight...

Anyone seen this DVD on the rack??

As I mentioned earlier, I have a thing over British guys...Fyi, Christian Bale is a Welsh born actor, and so far, he has been doing great job mimicking various accents!! Remember Disney Picture, Pocahontas back in ...1995?? dont quite remember though...that was Christian Bale's voice!!!

sourced from PasteMagazine.com

"...the film is an adaptation of Bryan Burrough’s book that tells of the mob's rise and fall in the 1930s-40s. Johnny Depp will be playing John Dillinger, while Bale will be Melvin Purvis, who led the FBI's hunt for Dillinger and captured more public enemies than any other agent in FBI history. This part should also allow Bale to use yet another new accent (for those keeping count at home, it'll be number seven)."

Anyway, so feeling wanna watch??

p.s Public Enemies screening nationwide 4th July...
all pictures are sourced from Google Image Search unless stated